Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon
Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon

There’s no need to be precious with consumables in Darkest Dungeon 2. Use your damn items! (And keep 1 inventory slot open.) If you notice two heroes’ negative relationship meter getting high, it’s worth it to lower their stress levels and look for consumables to improve their affinity at the next inn. Positive relationships are fragile, whereas negative relationships are quite difficult to reverse. Some of the negative relationships are “Resentful,” “Tumultuous,” and “Hateful.” These result in negative status effects, as well as a high chance of stress gain between both parties. Positive relationships include “Amorous,” “Respectful,” or “Inseparable,” and contribute buffs, combat assists, and surprise heals, again mostly at the behest of RNG. When it maxes out, positive or negative, it forms a bond between the two heroes in question. Combat actions, overt choices, and the ever-present RNG contribute to a relationship meter between each member of your party. Stress builds on stress snowballing into greater catastrophe, with one of the most important consequences being your party’s group dynamic. When it rains in Darkest Dungeon 2, it pours.

Darkest dungeon narrator darkest dungeon