Best online backup for mac
Best online backup for mac

best online backup for mac

We actually recommend combining this method with an online backup to cover your bases. If you don’t trust the cloud or want to transfer files quickly between computers, investing in an external hard drive and backing up your whole drive to it is probably ideal for you. You can certainly do it manually, but Arq does a really good job of managing the annoying parts for you. If you’d rather manage your storage yourself, you can use Arq to back up automatically to Amazon S3 or other storage providers (even Backblaze’s B2 Storage). RELATED: What's the Best Online Backup Service? Arq: A DIY Cloud Backup

best online backup for mac

They offer “unlimited” storage for $5 a month, which for personal users backing up their computer will always be enough. It’s incredibly easy to set up and manage even for the inexperienced user. There’s not even an app to manage, as it will install to a preferences pane in your settings. There are many different providers offering plans, but we’ll pick out two good ones here.īackblaze integrates very well with macOS, more so than most other backup services out there (of which there are plenty). The initial backup can take some time, especially if you have an Internet connection with a slow upload speed (and you have to watch those ISP data caps). It doesn’t require any extra hardware-just an account with an online provider-and will back everything up automatically, so you don’t have to worry about losing files. Back Up Your Whole Drive to the Cloudīacking up your whole drive to the cloud is the most accessible form of backup. We’ll go over the best backup methods for macOS users in specific, though many of these services will work for Windows. Even better is keeping one copy somewhere handy for problems like lost files or failing equipment and another copy somewhere offsite. There are a lot of ways to ensure your files don’t get lost, and almost all of them involve keeping a copy of your files somewhere else. Here are the best ways to back up your Mac. From accidentally deleted files to failing hard drives to natural disaster, there are too many things that can go wrong to simply rely on luck. Every computer user should keep a regular backup.

Best online backup for mac